86 research outputs found


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    Semakin meluasnya pemanfaatan teknologi informasi da/am sega/a bidang kehidupan mendorong adanya kebutuhan tenaga/sarjana komputer yang berlcualitas dan siap terap. Siruasi ini mendorong tumbuhnya pendidikan tinggi di bidang komputer termasulc di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) Komputer di DKI Jakarta. Makalah ini memaparlron hasil penelitian yang bertujuan untuk 1) mengungkap tingkat kesesuaian kinerja baUTan pemasaran jasa pendidilran dengan kepentingan dan harapan mahasiswa. 2) mengunglrap tingkat perlimbangan mahasiswa lerhadap Iingkungan individu dalam memutuskan memilih perguruan tinggi. 3) mengungkap nilai jasa pendidikan yang dirasakan mahasiswa. 4) mempelajari pengaruh Iingkungan individu mahasiswa dan kinerja bauran pemasaran jasa pendidikan tinggi baik secara parsial moupun simultan terhadap proses keputusan mahasiswa dan nilai jasa. 5) mempelajari pengaruh proses keputusan terhadap proses nilai jasa di PTS komputer DKI Jakarta.. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif dan verifikatif, sed01}gkan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey eksplanalori terhadap 770 mahasiswa PTS Komputer di DKI Jakarta dan 54 pimpinan PTS Komputer di DKI Jakarta. Basil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Iingkungan individu lebih berpengaruh terhadap proses keputusan mahasiswa memilih perguruan tinggi dibandingkan kinerja bOUTan pemasaran jasa pendidikan. Semenlara nilai jasa pendidikan lidok dipengaruhi oleh Iingkungan individu mahasiswa letapi oleh kinerja bOUTan pemasaran jasa pendidikan dan proses keputusan mahasiswa. !erdapal kelidaksesuaianlgap anlara kinerja baUTan pemasaran jasa pendidikan dengan lingkat harapan dan tingkal kepenlingan yang dirasakan mahasiswa. Karena ilu untuk Pimpinan PTS Komputer di DKI Jakarta horus memperhatikan perubahan perilaku konsumennya agar program bouran pemasaran jasa pendidikannya dapat lebih meninglratkan nilai jasa pendidikan

    Aspek-Aspek Pengelolaan dan Kepemimpinan Inovatif untuk Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Perguruan Tinggi

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    The development of information and communication technology (ICT) quickly brings both challenges and opportunities for universities to the implementation, for administration and supporting activities as well; and is also used for activities in universities' tridharma. This paper describes the management aspects of ICT in higher education and the importance of innovative leadership in succeeding the implementation of ICT in highereducation

    Knowledge Management di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Conceptually, Knowledge Management is the organization's activities in managing knowledge as an asset, it is necessary that knowledge is properly distributed to the right people and in swift time, until they can interact, share knowledge and apply it in their daily work in order to improve organizational performance. In the study of higher education, in addition to being an element forming a sustainable competitive advantage, knowledge is also the value created by the college to be conveyed to consumers. This research discusses the understanding of knowledge management that is implemented in universities

    Community-based health coverage at the crossroad; the Muhammadiyah health fund in Indonesia

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    This paper discusses the complexities of community-based health insurance (CBHI) coordinated by faith-based NGOs in Indonesia, and how government health care schemes threaten community-based health care plans. It discusses, in particular, Muhammadiyah’s history, one of the largest Islamic civil society organizations dealing with the health sector, as well as their struggle to facilitate community-based health care insurance. The role of state-based universal health coverage (UHC) has markedly overshadowed civil society programs, including faith-based NGOs, in implementing and providing health care services in their circles or members. While the State faces a delicate situation in the management of its universal health care, both financially and operationally, civil society groups have sought to revive the limited health care scheme as a way to supplement and even contend with the state welfare regime.


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    The aim of this study was to know wether the product quality , price perception , brand image and after sale services have a staticticallu significant impact on buying decision Toyota Yaris PT Nasmoco Semarang , And analizing the predominant factor in influencing the buying decison Toyota Yaris Semarang . This search sample amount of 100 respondents using as the sample Purposive Sampling Technique , that means look for samples that match the criteria researchers and suitable to be sampled The most powerful dependent variable was the after sale services (0,338) and were followed by product quality (0,219) ,brand image (0,195) and the last variable that price perception (0,182) . The hypothesis testing using t-test showed that the all independent variable (product quality , price perception , brand image and after sale services ) have the positive and statisticaly significant impact to the dependent variable , that was the buying decision of Toyota Yaris Pemuda Semarang . Based on the costumer point of the view it means that four independent were become the important factor on buying decision of Toyota Yaris Pemuda Semarng products figures adjusted R square of 0,515 indicates that 51,5 percents of the buying decision could be expalained by quality of product, price perception , brand image and after sale services variables , meanwhile 48,5 percents of the rest were the impact of the other variables which not examined in this study

    Learning Fraud Detection from Big Data in Online Banking Transactions: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The implementation of fraud detection in online banking transactions on big data is one of the most important strategies applied by banks to protect their transactions and highly related to algorithms. In fact, it is not easy to successfully implement this strategy because it requires a huge investment and is influenced by complexity algorithms, training, and testing. The frauds bring fatal impact, such as destruction of the banking reputation, banking loss, and state financial loss. One target of the fraud perpetrators in banking is online banking transactions. Security has become a major issue in the online banking transaction. Furthermore, the research of fraud is switching to big data and turns out that online banking data are stored in the database operational and big data. This study aims to find out what kind of algorithms fraud detection for online banking transactions using a systematic literature review to the 25 relevant papers
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